How to deal with Spam in other e-mail clients


If you use Outlook or Outlook Express, will automatically create an e-mail folder called Spam, where all e-mail messages detected as spam will be moved.


However, if you have a different e-mail client, you will have to configure it manually so that spam is automatically moved to the Spam folder. To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. Create an e-mail folder called Spam.

  2. Create a rule so that all e-mail messages whose subject contains the string SPAM are automatically moved to the folder you created in the previous step.

For further information on how to create a rule in your e-mail client, consult the help of the application. If you should have any problems to create the rule after this, contact technical support.


The messages received will include a link to allow you to reclassify messages that have not been classified correctly.